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Virginia Tech

Bonnie S Billingsley

Sections Taught: 76

Difficulty: 3.3/10

Rating: 9.9/10

Would Recommend: N/A

IDTitleGPASections Taught
EDCI-3144Education of Exceptional Learners3.872
EDCI-5274Curriculum and Instruction in Elementary School Mathematics (Pre-K-3)3.746
EDCI-5284Curriculum and Instruction in Middle School Mathematics (4-8)3.834
EDCI-5554Educating Exceptional Learners Across the Lifespan3.8958
EDCI-5784Graduate Seminar in Education3.992
EDCI-6014Advanced Topics in Teacher Education Currilculum4.002
HD-3144Education of Exceptional Learners3.742