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Virginia Tech

Mark A Pierson

Sections Taught: 143

Difficulty: N/A

Rating: N/A

Would Recommend: N/A

IDTitleGPASections Taught
MATH-2214Introduction to Differential Equations2.881
ME-3145Not Available3.483
ME-4015Engineering Design and Project3.865
ME-4016Engineering Design and Project3.885
ME-4974Independent Study3.922
ME-4984Special Study3.5211
ME-5984Special Study3.9214
NSEG-3145Fundamentals of Nuclear Engr3.488
NSEG-3146Fundamental of Nuclear Engr3.428
NSEG-3604Radiation Detection, Protection and Shielding3.657
NSEG-4204Nuclear Fuel Cycle3.851
NSEG-4214Nuclear Power Plant Operations3.696
NSEG-4984Special Study3.773
NSEG-4994Undergraduate Research4.004
NSEG-5104Applied Mathematics for Nuclear Engineers3.873
NSEG-5114Nuclear Eng Fundamentals3.6711
NSEG-5204Nuclear Fuel Cycle3.919
NSEG-5214Nuclear Plant Systems & Ops3.925
NSEG-5284Nuclear Nonproliferation, Safeguards, and Security3.601
NSEG-5604Radiation Detect & Shielding3.7712
NSEG-5984Special Study3.811
VM-9004Avian Medicine and Surgery4.0014
VM-9044Food Animal Clinical Problem Solving3.857