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Virginia Tech

Shoshana M Knapp

Sections Taught: 67

Difficulty: 5.3/10

Rating: 7.3/10

Would Recommend: 75%

IDTitleGPASections Taught
CINE-3544Literature and Cinema3.068
ENGL-1614Introduction to Short Fiction3.159
ENGL-1624Introduction to Detective Fiction2.969
ENGL-2544British Literary History2.895
ENGL-2604Introduction to Critical Reading3.441
ENGL-3364Topics in Literature by Women3.442
ENGL-3424Topics in Russian Literature in English2.901
ENGL-3544Literature and Cinema3.2610
ENGL-3684Literature and the Law3.485
ENGL-4644Studies in an American Author after 19003.033
ENGL-4684Special Topics in Literature3.003
ENGL-4784Senior Seminar3.165
ENGL-5234Studies in Later English Authors3.942
ENGL-5314Genre Studies3.911
ENGL-5354Comparative Studies in Literature3.792
RUS-3304Survey of Nineteenth-Century Russian Literature in Translation3.541