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Virginia Tech

Eric K Kaufman

Sections Taught: 57

Difficulty: 1/10

Rating: 6.6/10

Would Recommend: N/A

IDTitleGPASections Taught
ALCE-3014Leadership Effectiveness for Professionals in Agricultural Organizations3.172
ALCE-5154Partnerships and Volunteerism4.001
ALCE-5224Team Science, Cooperation, and Interdisciplinary Work3.425
ALS-1234CALS First Year Seminar3.302
ALS-2984Special Study3.303
LDRS-2964Field Study3.951
LDRS-3104The Dynamics of Leadership3.971
LDRS-3304Elements of Team Leadership3.728
LDRS-4044Leadership Studies Capstone3.717
LDRS-4974Independent Study3.731
LDRS-5004Ethics in Leader/Follower Relationships2.951
LDRS-5454Leadership Diverse Contexts3.6412
LDRS-5464Leadership in a Global Society3.902
LDRS-5544Leading Teams through Community Change3.5810
LDRS-5984Special Study3.801