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Virginia Tech

Ivica Bukvic

Sections Taught: 53

Difficulty: 5.4/10

Rating: 7.8/10

Would Recommend: N/A

IDTitleGPASections Taught
IDS-1114Play to Make3.651
MUS-2054Introduction to Music Technology3.546
MUS-2214Class Applied Piano3.484
MUS-2734Individual Applied Composition3.812
MUS-3064Digital Sound Manipulation3.782
MUS-3065Computer Music and Multimedia Design3.533
MUS-3066Computer Music and Multimedia Design3.833
MUS-3164History of Electronic Music3.451
MUS-3314Instrumental Ensemble Music3.7424
MUS-4014Topics in Advanced Electroacoustic Research3.762
MUS-4124Special Topics in Music History and Literature3.794
MUS-4984Special Study3.881