Odysseus Logo

Virginia Tech

Glenn R Bugh

Sections Taught: 63

Difficulty: 9.6/10

Rating: 7.6/10

Would Recommend: 60%

IDTitleGPASections Taught
GR-2114Readings in Classical Greek Literature2.871
HIST-2004Historical Methods2.972
HIST-2184History of the Balkans2.7010
HIST-2984Special Study3.045
HIST-3274The Greek City2.757
HIST-3294Roman Britain2.885
HIST-3304The World of Alexander the Great2.7512
HIST-3314The Later Roman Empire2.6810
HIST-4004Topics in Social and Cultural History3.013
HIST-4014History Lab: Creative Technologies, Hidden Histories, Informal Learning2.992
HIST-4914History Research Seminar3.244
HIST-4984Special Study3.141
UH-2554Topics in Humanities and Global Citizenship4.001