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Virginia Tech

Walker Catalina D Andrango

Sections Taught: 47

Difficulty: 6.3/10

Rating: 2.9/10

Would Recommend: 0%

IDTitleGPASections Taught
SPAN-3106Grammar, Composition and Conversation3.626
SPAN-3304Introduction to Hispanic Literature3.527
SPAN-3444Early Spanish-American Culture and Literature3.4910
SPAN-3474Modern Spanish-Caribbean Culture and Literature3.775
SPAN-3484Modern Andean and Southern Cone Culture and Literature3.754
SPAN-3954Study Abroad3.992
SPAN-4304Topics in Early Modern Literature and Culture3.542
SPAN-4344Hispanic Literature and the Representation of History3.644
SPAN-5234Spanish American Institutions and Concepts3.801
SPAN-5304Topics in Early Modern Hispanic Literature and Culture3.943
SPAN-5344Topics in Spanish-American Literature and the Representation of History3.863