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Virginia Tech

Joel Peters

Sections Taught: 68

Difficulty: N/A

Rating: N/A

Would Recommend: N/A

IDTitleGPASections Taught
GIA-5164Not Available3.801
GIA-5444International Politics3.619
GIA-5474Global Governance3.737
GIA-5514Global Security3.566
GIA-5614Understanding The Israeli Palestinian Conflict3.749
GIA-5624Conflict Resolution and Peace Building3.605
GIA-5984Special Study3.752
GIA-6124Topics in Security Studies3.941
IS-3116Selected World Problems3.901
IS-4034Topics in Diplomacy Lab4.004
PSCI-3115Selected World Problems3.654
PSCI-3116Selected World Problems3.515
PSCI-3624Foreign Policy and Diplomacy3.432
PSCI-4034Topics in Diplomacy Lab3.975
PSCI-4754Internship Program4.001
SPIA-6006Sem Env Plan3.954
SPIA-6014Pedagogy and Learning3.651