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Virginia Tech

James H Collier

Sections Taught: 89

Difficulty: 4.4/10

Rating: 8.9/10

Would Recommend: 100%

IDTitleGPASections Taught
ENGL-3764Technical Writing3.3810
ENGL-4814Developing Online Content3.618
ENGL-4824Science Writing3.584
ENGL-4874Issues in Professional and Public Discourse3.7112
ENGL-5314Genre Studies3.431
ENGL-5674Rhetoric of Science, Technology, and Medicine3.902
ENGL-6344Rhetoric in Digital Environments3.971
HIST-2716History of Technology3.751
STS-1504Introduction to Science, Technology, and Society3.4534
STS-4304Topics: Contemporary Issues in Science, Technology, and Society3.953
STS-5024Introduction to Science and Technology Studies3.911
STS-5305Phil Mod Sci & Tech3.984
STS-5306Main Themes in the Philosophy of Modern Science and Technology4.003
STS-5424Topics in Science and Technology Studies3.864
STS-6674Advanced Topics in Alternate Perspectives On Science, Technology and Medicine3.941