Odysseus Logo

Virginia Tech

Andrew S Becker

Sections Taught: 100

Difficulty: N/A

Rating: N/A

Would Recommend: N/A

IDTitleGPASections Taught
CLA-2224Ancient Greek and Roman Women3.251
CLA-2454Topics in Ancient Greek and Latin Literature3.734
CLA-2974Independent Study4.001
CLA-2984Special Study3.502
CLA-3954Study Abroad3.939
CLA-3984Special Study4.001
GR-1105Classical and New Testament Greek3.7411
GR-1106Classical and New Testament Greek3.7211
GR-2104Greek New Testament3.939
GR-2114Readings in Classical Greek Literature3.839
GR-4974Independent Study3.933
GR-4994Undergraduate Research3.963
LAT-1105Elementary Latin3.632
LAT-1106Elementary Latin3.632
LAT-2104Cicero and Livy3.982
LAT-2114Latin Epic: Vergil and Ovid3.603
LAT-2124Latin Lyric: Catullus and Horace3.604
LAT-2134Late Medieval Latin3.741
LAT-3004Readings in Latin Literature3.6812
LAT-4974Independent Study4.001
LAT-4984Special Study3.632
PSCI-4994Undergraduate Research4.001
PSYC-4994Undergraduate Research3.931
UH-2554Topics in Humanities and Global Citizenship4.004
UNIV-1004College Success Strategies3.431