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Virginia Tech

TA-3124: Costume Design and Technology Topics

Description: Rotating topics of costume design and costume technology. Designed for advanced theatre arts majors who have foundational training in all areas if theatre design. May be repeated for credit.

Pathways: N/A

Course Hours: 1-9 credits

Prerequisites: TA-2174

Required By: N/A

Corequisites: N/A

Crosslist: N/A

Repeatability: up to 9 credit hours

Sections Taught: 23

Average GPA: 3.69 (A-)

Strict A Rate (No A-) : 45.52%

Average Withdrawal Rate: 0.72%

Jane A Stein202083.4%13.5%0.7%0.5%1.0%0.8%3.7020
Tyler M Holland202473.6%20.9%5.6%0.0%0.0%0.0%3.633

Grade Distribution Over Time