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Virginia Tech

MUS-1005: Theory Fundamentals

Description: Fundamental elements of music theory. 1005: Introduction to elements of music theory. Musical notation, scales of various global traditions, foundations of tonality; intervals, triads, dominant seventh chords, rhythm, meter, cadences, harmonic analysis. Composition with species counterpoint and the twelve-bar blues progression. Aural recognition of musical sounds through ear training. 1006: More complex harmonic and rhythmic processes. Increase complexity of intervals, chords, rhythms, progressions and score reading. Introduce transposition and vocabulary for timbre and textural discussion. Aural recognition of more advanced musical sounds through ear training. Fluency in terms and conventions for western art music, rock, hip-hop. Composition of original music.

Pathways: 6A Critique & Practice in Arts, 6D Critique & Prac in Design, 11 Intercultural&Global Aware.

Course Hours: 3 credits

Prerequisites: N/A

Required By: MUS-1006

Corequisites: N/A

Crosslist: N/A

Repeatability: N/A

Sections Taught: 92

Average GPA: 3.42 (A-)

Strict A Rate (No A-) : 53.37%

Average Withdrawal Rate: 1.45%

John Irrera202358.9%25.9%10.5%1.3%1.0%2.4%3.4011
Crone Staff Lantz202174.3%18.3%6.0%0.0%0.0%1.4%3.675
Elizabeth Lantz202285.7%14.3%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%3.861
Rodriguez Juan M Berrios202441.9%28.3%14.1%8.1%2.3%5.4%3.036
Scott Hanenberg2023100.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%4.001
Jana N Paglialonga201783.0%10.3%4.0%0.0%1.4%1.3%3.755
Ester Sheinberg201159.5%20.7%9.6%3.7%6.2%0.5%3.2318
Wallace E Easter201958.5%26.9%8.4%3.1%1.9%1.1%3.3521
Phillip O Paglialonga201873.8%21.3%3.6%0.4%0.1%0.8%3.696
John L Walker201235.5%27.0%20.8%4.1%8.3%4.2%2.801
Beryl L Heuermann201546.8%36.2%8.4%2.2%4.2%2.1%3.231
Reed Molly Wilkens202274.0%17.2%4.8%0.7%2.2%1.0%3.615
Chad R Reep202171.9%20.8%4.3%1.0%1.7%0.4%3.584
Amy Gillick201674.2%21.1%4.8%0.0%0.0%0.0%3.661
Kimberly G Loeffert202435.3%40.0%12.9%1.2%3.5%7.1%3.051
Polly K Middleton202175.7%15.3%5.8%2.1%0.5%0.5%3.632
Sarah Rushing201978.9%16.0%3.0%0.7%0.0%1.4%3.731
Taborda Jose Garcia201887.1%11.5%0.0%0.7%0.0%0.7%3.841
David M Mckee201756.1%39.1%2.8%0.7%0.0%1.4%3.531

Grade Distribution Over Time