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Virginia Tech

JMC-4834: Sportscenter

Description: Gather, formulate, and deliver sports stories to diverse audiences through print, online, and broadcast channels. Produce sports news on deadline in a newsroom setting. Ethical and legal issues in sports journalism. Design lab/studio. COURSE FEE $95. Pre: Senior standing.

Pathways: N/A

Course Hours: 3 credits

Prerequisites: COMM-2024 and JMC-3314 and JMC-4274

Required By: N/A

Corequisites: N/A

Crosslist: N/A

Repeatability: N/A

Sections Taught: 9

Average GPA: 3.61 (A-)

Strict A Rate (No A-) : 66.29%

Average Withdrawal Rate: 1.28%

Anthony L Amey202460.3%26.5%10.5%0.0%2.8%0.0%3.404
William B Roth202380.5%13.2%4.0%0.0%0.0%2.3%3.785

Grade Distribution Over Time