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Virginia Tech

ECE-3304: Introduction to Power Systems

Description: Basic concepts of AC systems, single-phase and three-phase networks, electric power generation, transformers, transmission lines, electric machinery and the use of power. Pre-requisite 3004 with C- or better.

Pathways: N/A

Course Hours: 3 credits

Corequisites: N/A

Crosslist: N/A

Repeatability: N/A

Sections Taught: 51

Average GPA: 2.71 (B)

Strict A Rate (No A-) : 21.84%

Average Withdrawal Rate: 2.19%

Colgan Elliott J Mitchell201828.6%57.2%14.3%0.0%0.0%0.0%3.061
Gerald F Reid200955.0%30.0%10.3%2.7%2.1%0.0%3.306
Virgilio A Centeno202421.2%35.1%30.1%8.0%3.7%1.8%2.6118
Mona Ghassemi202166.9%25.6%4.5%1.4%1.6%0.0%3.553
Dushan Boroyevich202317.9%14.3%60.7%7.2%0.0%0.0%2.431
Kwa Sur Tam201618.9%42.9%27.0%8.0%3.0%0.3%2.658
Jeffrey S Mayer201827.7%23.0%30.9%7.4%5.1%5.9%2.602
Vasileios Kekatos201825.7%24.0%26.9%10.7%4.8%7.8%2.543
La Reelopez Jaime De201514.6%28.5%32.2%11.6%8.6%4.5%2.277
Shreevardhan A Soman201250.9%37.7%3.8%0.0%1.9%5.7%3.371
Cansin Y Evrenosoglu201323.3%20.9%22.0%22.1%7.0%4.7%2.281

Grade Distribution Over Time