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Virginia Tech

CEE-5640: Highway Transportation Safety

Description: Identification of highway safety problems and development of solutions. User characteristics and expectations, road audits, roadside hardware systems, safety enhancing treatments, standard traffic control devices, real-time information and control systems, work zone and railroad crossing treatments, older driver design concepts, traffic calming, designs for pedestrians and bikes, delineation and lighting principles, and advanced 3D/4D design concepts. Group and individual analyses of problems. Pre: Graduate standing in engineering is required.

Pathways: N/A

Course Hours: 3 credits

Prerequisites: N/A

Required By: N/A

Corequisites: N/A

Crosslist: N/A

Repeatability: N/A

Sections Taught: 6

Average GPA: 3.29 (B+)

Strict A Rate (No A-) : 13.45%

Average Withdrawal Rate: 0.00%

Samuel C Tignor201942.2%47.7%10.2%0.0%0.0%0.0%3.296

Grade Distribution Over Time