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Virginia Tech

BCHM-3114: Biochemistry for Biotechnology and the Life Sciences

Description: Survey presentation of the basic principles of biochemistry as they apply to biotechnology. Topics covered include protein structure, enzymology, cellular organization, and biochemical regulation. Special emphasis will be given to gene structure, transcription, and translation, cellular organization, and cloning, sequencing, modification and expression of recombinant DNA. Examples will be given of agricultural/medical/industrial applications of cellular and molecular biochemical knowledge. Non-majors only.

Pathways: N/A

Course Hours: 3 credits

Corequisites: N/A

Crosslist: N/A

Repeatability: N/A

Sections Taught: 25

Average GPA: 3.09 (B+)

Strict A Rate (No A-) : 24.38%

Average Withdrawal Rate: 2.35%

Michael W Klemba202137.5%37.8%14.1%5.8%2.2%2.6%3.039
Richard F Helm200927.2%36.0%29.1%3.3%4.5%0.0%2.754
Aguilar Didier P Mena202264.3%28.5%3.8%0.9%0.4%2.0%3.513
Eugene M Gregory201117.2%52.6%12.1%5.1%5.1%8.1%2.741
Caitlin A Cridland202444.3%39.5%9.6%2.0%1.9%2.8%3.253
David R Bevan201637.8%36.8%16.3%3.9%1.3%4.0%3.063
Melanie C Hempel202264.1%32.1%1.7%0.0%1.1%1.1%3.551
Zachary B Mackey202139.7%47.1%10.4%2.0%0.4%0.4%3.231

Grade Distribution Over Time

Fall 2004Fall 2005Fall 2006Fall 2007Fall 2008Fall 2009Fall 2010Fall 2011Fall 2012Fall 2013Fall 2014Fall 2015Fall 2016Fall 2017Fall 2018Fall 2019Fall 2020Fall 2021Summer I 2022Spring 2023Spring 2024Term01234GPA