ARCH-3066: Building Materials and Assemblies
Description: Study of what buildings are made of and how buildings are made, in support of architectural design decisions. Attributes of building materials informing their selection and use in buildings. Design and representation of building assemblies, systems, and details, including primary and secondary structural systems, the building envelope, and sub-assemblies, as influenced by formal design ideas, geometry, structure, construction processes, weather resistance, human health and well-being, and environmental impact and sustainability. 3065: Focus on wood, masonry, concrete, and steel construction systems; subsurface conditions and foundations; building codes, life-safety, and accessibility; and basic principles of building envelope systems. 3066: Review of wood, masonry, concrete, and steel construction. Focus on design of building envelope/enclosure wall systems and roofs, including consideration of water resistance, thermal insulation, air infiltration, and vapor control; building cost considerations; and appropriate modes of representation for detailed design decisions.
Pathways: N/A
Course Hours: 3 credits
Corequisites: ARCH-3016, ARCH-3054
Crosslist: N/A
Repeatability: N/A
Sections Taught: 0
Average GPA: N/A
Strict A Rate (No A-) : N/A%
Average Withdrawal Rate: N/A%