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Virginia Tech

AAD-1214: Acting Locally

Description: Course for first-year students enrolled in Rhizome Living-Learning Community. Project-based learning through student-client collaborations. Applies systems thinking concepts and United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Introduces design thinking as a model for problem solving, including problem definition and iteration. Student presentations, proposal development, exhibition, client feedback and peer critiques.

Pathways: N/A

Course Hours: 2 credits

Prerequisites: AAD-1204

Required By: N/A

Corequisites: N/A

Crosslist: N/A

Repeatability: N/A

Sections Taught: 3

Average GPA: 3.93 (A)

Strict A Rate (No A-) : 90.90%

Average Withdrawal Rate: 0.00%

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Grade Distribution Over Time